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이번 대회는 주 개최지 김해를 중심으로 경남도 내 75개 경기장에서 전국 17개 시도선수단 2만8,153명, 18개국 해외동포선수단 1,478명이 참가해 총 49개 종목에서 기량을 펼쳤다.
폐회식은 ‘모두가 함께 빛나는 우주’라는 주제로 시작해 선수단 입장과 가수 박서진, 은가은 축하공연 등 각종 문화공연이 이어졌으며 특히 대회 기간 뛰어난 성적을 거둔 선수들의 시상식이 진행됐다.
이러한 성공 체전 뒤에는 김해시민들로 구성된 2,101명의 응원단과 1,837명의 자원봉사자들이 있었다. 지난 4월부터 7월까지 모집한 시민서포터즈는 각 종목별 경기장을 찾아 열띤 응원전으로 선수들의 사기와 대회 분위기를 고조시키는 역할을 톡톡히 했다. 특히 자원봉사자들은 개·폐회식 연출 지원, 경기장 안내와 질서유지, 장애인·노약자 보호 안내, 경기장 내·외부 환경정비, 급수봉사와 교통질서 유지, 각종 홍보관 운영 등 여러 분야를 지원해 원활한 운영을 도왔다.
또 김해 1,300여대 택시는 전국(장애인)체전 엠블럼이 들어간 홍보용 깃발을 자발적으로 택시에 부착해 대회 홍보에 앞장섰으며 모범운전자회원 70여명은 교통혼잡 예방 봉사자로 나서 개회식 당일 종합경기장 주변 차량 소통에 큰 보탬이 됐다.
이밖에 김해교육지원청, 김해중부·서부경찰서, 김해동부·서부소방서, 김해시체육회 등 다양한 단체와 기관들이 힘을 모아 교통관리, 경기운영, 안전 등을 지원했다.
이번 체전의 개폐회식과 육상경기가 펼쳐진 김해종합운동장은 지하 5층부터 지상 3층 규모로 1만5,000여 관람석과 천연잔디구장, 공인1종 육상경기장, 김해시 정체성을 나타내는 가야시대 문양인 쌍어를 상징하는 성화대가 세워져 있다. 김해시는 세계육상연맹으로부터 최고 등급인 Class-1을 받은 주경기장 육상트랙을 활용해 전지훈련장과 국내 시도대항 육상경기, 국제육상대회를 유치하는 스포츠 마케팅을 강화할 방침이다.
또 체전 기간 임시 개관했던 김해시립김영원미술관을 2026년 상반기 서측 광장과 접한 지하 5층과 지하 4층에 정식 개관해 다양한 작품을 전시, 주경기장을 복합스포츠문화공간으로 활용한다.
홍태용 김해시장은 “선수, 방문객, 시민들이 한마음으로 즐기는 전국체전이 성공적으로 마무리되어 무척 기쁘다”며 “대회 기간 친절하고 따뜻한 환대로 선수와 방문객을 맞아준 시민 여러분께 감사드리며 25일부터 열리는 제44회 전국장애인체전에도 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드린다"고 말했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.
*Below is the [full text] of the English article translated using ‘Google Translate’.‘Google Translate’ is working to increase understanding.It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
The 105th National Sports Festival with Gimhae Citizens Ends Successfully
Another Impressive Paralympic Games Expected from the 25th
Gimhae City announced that the 105th National Sports Festival ended its 7-day competition with the closing ceremony held at Gimhae Stadium at 5:30 PM on the 17th.
This competition was centered around the main host city, Gimhae, and 28,153 athletes from 17 cities and provinces across the country and 1,478 overseas Korean athletes from 18 countries participated in 75 stadiums in Gyeongnam Province, with 49 events in total.
The closing ceremony began with the theme, ‘A Universe Where Everyone Shines Together,’ and was followed by various cultural performances, including the athletes’ entrances and congratulatory performances by singers Park Seo-jin and Eun Ga-eun. In particular, an award ceremony was held for athletes who achieved outstanding results during the competition.
During the competition, Gimhae Mayor Hong Tae-yong visited stadiums for each event in the city to cheer on the Gyeongnam athletes. As of the 17th, Gimhae City athletes have won 11 gold medals (3 in bowling, 3 in weightlifting, 2 in boxing, 1 in taekwondo, 1 in track and field, and 1 in water skiing), 7 silver medals (3 in weightlifting, 2 in bowling, 1 in track and field, and 1 in wrestling), and 6 bronze medals (1 in taekwondo, 1 in boxing, 1 in weightlifting, 1 in water skiing, and 1 in wrestling), for a total of 24 medals for the Gyeongnam team.
Behind this successful sports festival were 2,101 cheering squad members made up of Gimhae citizens and 1,837 volunteers. The citizen supporters, recruited from April to July, visited each event stadium and played a significant role in raising the morale of the athletes and the atmosphere of the competition with their enthusiastic cheering. In particular, volunteers helped with the smooth operation of the event by supporting various areas such as supporting the opening and closing ceremony production, guiding the stadium and maintaining order, providing guidance for the protection of the disabled and the elderly, maintaining the environment inside and outside the stadium, providing water service and maintaining traffic order, and operating various promotional halls.
In addition, 1,300 taxis in Gimhae voluntarily attached promotional flags with the National (Disabled) Sports Festival emblem to their taxis to take the lead in promoting the event, and 70 model driver members volunteered to prevent traffic congestion, greatly helping with traffic flow around the stadium on the day of the opening ceremony.
In addition, various organizations and institutions such as Gimhae Office of Education, Gimhae Central and Western Police Stations, Gimhae East and Western Fire Stations, and Gimhae City Sports Association joined forces to support traffic management, game operation, and safety.
The Gimhae Sports Complex, where the opening and closing ceremonies and track and field events of this year's Games were held, is comprised of 3 floors above ground and 5 floors underground, with seating for 15,000 spectators, a natural grass field, an official Class 1 track and field stadium, and a torch stand symbolizing the twin fish, a symbol of the Gaya period that represents the identity of Gimhae City. Gimhae City plans to strengthen its sports marketing by utilizing the main stadium track and field track, which received the highest rating of Class-1 from the World Athletics Federation, to host training camps, domestic and provincial track and field events, and international track and field competitions.
In addition, the Gimhae City Kim Young-won Art Museum, which was temporarily opened during the Games, will officially open on the 5th and 4th floors underground adjacent to the west plaza in the first half of 2026 to exhibit various works and utilize the main stadium as a multi-sports and cultural space.
Gimhae Mayor Hong Tae-yong said, “I am very happy that the National Sports Festival, where athletes, visitors, and citizens enjoyed together, has come to a successful conclusion,” and added, “I would like to thank the citizens who welcomed the athletes and visitors with kindness and warmth during the event, and I ask for your continued interest and participation in the 44th National Paralympic Games, which will be held from the 25th.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스경남 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>