명태균게이트 진상조사단, 조명래 부시장 차명거래 밝히는데 집중조명래 부시장 "사실 아니다. 민·형사상 법적 대응"
창원국가산단등국정개입의혹조사본부는 창원 제2국가산단 부지가 갑자기 동쪽으로 간 까닭은 무엇인가?, 그 이유에 모든 해답이 있다는 의문으로 접근하면 해답을 찾을 수 있다고 밝혔다.
또 현장조사를 통해 이주단지 및 상업시설 등 입지가 유력해 보이는 인근 부지에 대한 토지거래 현황을 집중조사하고 산단부지 최종 확정 당시, 국토부가 실사를 하지 않는 이유에 대해서도 파헤쳐 명태균 국정농단의 진상을 밝히고자 한다고 했다.
명태균이 조명래 부시장과 당시 ㄹ국장을 불러 창원 제2국가산단 관련 보고(4개 내부 문건-신규후보지 현장점검 대응 계획 등)를 받고 대산면(우암리) 일대 75만 평을 추가 할 것을 제안하였으며, 명태균과 협의를 마친 동읍 일원이 포함된 103만 평 규모의 산단부지가 국토부에 보고되었고, 그대로 발표된 것으로 보이며, 명 씨 동업자 강 씨가 다량의 부동산을 개인 및 법인 명의로 약 8억 5천만 원에 매입한 것으로 확인됐다.
또한 김영선 전 의원과 친분이 있는 공인중개사를 중심으로 선택된 부동산중개업자들의 대책회의를 한 목적과 결과에 대해 조사할 계획이며, 토지거래 명부 등을 확보해 명태균, 조명래 창원시 부시장의 차명 거래 확인에 집중할 것이라고 밝혔다.
이에 조명래 제2부시장은 같은날 즉각 입장문을 내고 더불어민주당 경상남도당의 명태균 국정개입 의혹 보도자료에 대한 창원시 제2부시장 관련 주장은 전혀 사실이 아니라고 밝히며, 마치 차명 거래를 한 것처럼 의혹을 유발하는 것에 대해서는 명백히 허위사실 유포 및 명예훼손을 한 것으로 해당되는 만큼 추후 민·형사상 법적 대응을 할 것임을 분명히 밝힌다고 했다.
그러면서 명태균이 조명래 부시장, 기조실장을 불러 창원제2국가산단 관련 보고를 받고 대산면 일대 75만 평을 추가 할 것을 제안했다는 주장은 전혀 사실이 아니며, 창원시 담당 국장의 요청에 따라 김영선 전 의원에게 몇 차례 협조 요청을 한 적은 있다고 했다.
본인은 국가산단 후보지에 차명거래를 한 적이 없으며, 이 부분은 검찰수사가 진행되고 있어 사실관계가 확인될 것이라고 밝혔다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.
*Below is the [full text] of the English article translated using ‘Google Translate’.‘Google Translate’ is working to increase understanding.It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
The Myeongtae-gyun Gate Truth Investigation Team focuses on exposing Vice Mayor Cho Myung-rae's false transaction
Vice Mayor Cho Myung-rae: "Not true. Legal action under civil and criminal law"
Regarding the selection of the Changwon National Industrial Complex related to Myeongtae-gyun, who has recently attracted much public attention, the Democratic Party of Korea's Myeongtae-gyun Gate Truth Investigation Team, the Changwon National Industrial Complex, etc. State Affairs Intervention Suspicion Investigation Headquarters (Head of Headquarters, National Assemblyman Yeom Tae-young) visited the site on the 15th to conduct an on-site investigation to accurately investigate and analyze the background of the complete scrapping of the first and second plans for the Changwon 2nd National Industrial Complex and the re-drawing of the national industrial complex designation map centered on Goam-ri, Buk-myeon and Hwayang-ri, Dong-eup, which is adjacent to it.
The Changwon National Industrial Complex, etc. State Affairs Intervention Suspicion Investigation Headquarters stated that if we approach the question of why the Changwon 2nd National Industrial Complex site suddenly moved to the east, we can find the answer.
In addition, through on-site investigation, they said they would focus on the status of land transactions in nearby sites that seem likely to be sites for relocation complexes and commercial facilities, and dig into the reason why the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport did not conduct an on-site inspection when the industrial complex site was finally confirmed, in order to reveal the truth about Myeong Tae-gyun's corruption.
Myeong Tae-gyun called in Vice Mayor Cho Myung-rae and the then Director L to receive a report on the Changwon 2nd National Industrial Complex (4 internal documents - response plan for on-site inspection of new candidate sites, etc.) and proposed to add 750,000 pyeong in the Daesan-myeon (Uam-ri) area, and the 1.03 million pyeong industrial complex site including the Dong-eup area that Myeong Tae-gyun had consulted with was reported to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and it seems that it was announced as is, and it was confirmed that Myeong's partner, Kang, purchased a large amount of real estate for approximately 850 million won under the names of individuals and corporations.
In addition, he said that he plans to investigate the purpose and results of the meeting of real estate agents selected by a certified real estate agent who is close to former lawmaker Kim Young-sun, and that he will focus on confirming the transactions under false names by securing land transaction lists, etc.
In response, 2nd Vice Mayor Cho Myung-rae immediately released a statement on the same day, stating that the claims regarding 2nd Vice Mayor Cho regarding the press release of the Gyeongsangnam-do chapter of the Democratic Party of Korea alleging that Tae-gyun Myung intervened in state affairs are completely untrue, and that he will clearly take legal action in civil and criminal cases against those who raise suspicions as if they had conducted transactions under false names, as this constitutes the spread of false facts and defamation.
He also said that the claim that Tae-gyun Myung called in Vice Mayor Cho Myung-rae and the Chief of Staff to receive reports on the Changwon 2nd National Industrial Complex and proposed to add 750,000 pyeong in the Daesan-myeon area is completely untrue, and that he had requested cooperation from former lawmaker Kim Young-sun several times at the request of the director in charge of Changwon City.
He stated that he has never engaged in any transactions under another person's name in the national industrial complex candidate site, and that the truth of the matter will be confirmed as the prosecution's investigation is underway.
<저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스경남 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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