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이날 행사에는 박완수 경상남도지사, 최학범 도의회의장, 이상연 경남경영자총협회장, 노은식 경남기업협의회장을 비롯해 수출기업 및 유관기관 관계자, 수출유공자 등 150여 명이 참석했다.
올 한 해 경상남도는 지난해보다 30억 불 증가한 450억 불 수출을 달성할 것으로 전망되며, 무역의 날 수출 촉진 전국 1위 광역자치단체로 선정되어 대통령 기관표창을 수상하는 영예를 안았다.
무역의 날 정부포상 수상자 또한 지난해보다 22명 더 늘어났다.
경남무역인 상 수출유공탑 부문에는 ㈜이이더불유코리아, 제일E&S주식회사, 주식회사 금아스틸, 애수달산업사, 포인트, 농업회사법인 주식회사 우정 등 6개 수출기업이 수상의 영예를 안았다.
수출유공자 부문 도지사 표창은 주식회사 유니크 김중혁 부반장, 에스앤에스밸브 주식회사 안은규 이사, ㈜DH케미칼 조정현 대표이사, 금정산업(주) 서영미 대표, ㈜미창케이블 심현경 차장, 성보이피에스 이상명 상무 등 6명이 수상했다.
수출유관기관 특별상에는 한국무역협회 경남지역본부 김재현 과장. (재)경남테크노파크 문희라 선임연구원 2명이 선정됐으며, ㈜삼현 김대호 상무, 죽방렴영어조합법인 류상건 대표이사 2명은 일자리 창출 유공으로 도지사 특별상을 수상했다.
7천만불 탑은 ㈜성신알에스티, ㈜케이디에이 2개 업체, 3천만불 탑에 ㈜화인 등 5개 업체, 2천만불 탑에 ㈜DH케미칼 등 12개 업체를 포함한 총 109개 기업이 수출의 탑을 수상하는 영광을 안았다.
정부 개인표창 부문에는 해성디에스(주) 조병학 대표이사가 은탑산업훈장, ㈜금오중공업 김태규 대표이사, 정아정밀(주) 김용진 대표이사는 철탑산업훈장, 두산에너빌리티(주) 김종우 상무가 석탑산업훈장을 수상했다.
산업포장은 우리웰텍(주) 이희덕 대표이사 등 3명, 대통령표창은 에스케이오션플랜트(주) 이승철 대표이사 등 5명, 국무총리표창은 우림피티에스(주) 한우진 대표이사 등 3명, 산업통상자원부장관표창은 넥센타이어(주) 이상민 과장 등 38명, 한국무역협회장표창은 기득산업(주) 김기조 사원 등 6명이 각각 수상의 영예를 안았다.
이어 “내년에는 새로운 미국 정부의 정책기조 등 수출 환경이 만만치 않을 것으로 예상된다”며 “경남도는 미국의 새 행정부 출범에 따른 경제점검단을 운영하며 철저히 대응하고 있으며, 앞으로도 경남의 경제인들과 함께 위기를 기회로 슬기롭게 헤쳐나가겠다”고 강조했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. *The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Gyeongnam’s Export Leading Players Gyeongnam Province Holds the 30th Gyeongnam Trader Award Ceremony
On the 11th, Gyeongnam Province held the 30th ‘Gyeongnam Trader Award’ Ceremony and the 61st ‘Trade Day’ Government Award Ceremony at the Grand Mercure Ambassador Changwon and celebrated export companies and award recipients in the province.
The event was attended by approximately 150 people including Gyeongsangnam-do Governor Park Wan-soo, Provincial Assembly Speaker Choi Hak-beom, Gyeongnam Business Association Chairman Lee Sang-yeon, Gyeongnam Business Council Chairman No Eun-sik, export companies, related organizations, and export contributors.
This year, Gyeongsangnam-do is expected to achieve $45 billion in exports, a $3 billion increase from last year, and was honored with the Presidential Citation for being selected as the No. 1 metropolitan government in export promotion nationwide on Trade Day.
The number of Trade Day Government Award recipients also increased by 22 from last year.
On this day, a total of 24 awards were given out as Gyeongnam Trader Awards, including 6 Export Merit Towers and 18 Export Meritorious Persons, and 169 awards were given out as Trade Day Government Awards, including 109 Export Towers, 54 Meritorious Persons, and 6 Korea International Trade Association Chairman Awards.
In the Export Merit Tower category of the Gyeongnam Trader Awards, 6 export companies were honored, including Eiderbulyu Korea Co., Ltd., Jeil E&S Co., Ltd., Geum-A Steel Co., Ltd., Aesoo Dal Industry Co., Ltd., Point, and Woojeong Agricultural Corporation Co., Ltd.
The Governor's Commendation in the Export Merit category went to 6 people, including Vice President Kim Jung-hyeok of Unique Co., Ltd., Director Ahn Eun-gyu of SNS Valve Co., Ltd., CEO Jo Jeong-hyeon of DH Chemical Co., Ltd., CEO Seo Young-mi of Geumjeong Industry Co., Ltd., Vice President Shim Hyeon-gyeong of Michang Cable Co., Ltd., and Managing Director Lee Sang-myeong of Seongbo EPS Co., Ltd.
The Export-Related Organization Special Award went to two individuals: Kim Jae-hyun, Manager of the Gyeongnam Regional Headquarters of the Korea International Trade Association, and Moon Hee-ra, Senior Researcher at Gyeongnam Technopark. Samhyun Co., Ltd. Managing Director Kim Dae-ho and Jukbangryeom English Association CEO Ryu Sang-geon received the Governor’s Special Award for their contributions to job creation.
In the Export Tower category of the Trade Day Government Awards, DN Solutions Co., Ltd. received the $800 million Tower Award, SK Ocean Plant Co., Ltd. received the $600 million Tower Award, CTL Co., Ltd. received the $400 million Tower Award, and Hulutech Co., Ltd. received the $200 million Tower Award.
A total of 109 companies, including two companies, Sungshin RST Co., Ltd. and KDA Co., Ltd., received the $70 million Tower Award, five companies, including Hwain Co., Ltd. received the $30 million Tower Award, and 12 companies, including DH Chemical Co., Ltd. received the $20 million Tower Award.
In the government individual award category, CEO Cho Byeong-hak of Haesung DS received the Silver Tower Order of Industrial Service Merit, CEO Kim Tae-gyu of Kumoh Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. and CEO Kim Yong-jin of Jeong-A Precision Co., Ltd. received the Iron Tower Order of Industrial Service Merit, and Managing Director Kim Jong-woo of Doosan Energy Co., Ltd. received the Stone Tower Order of Industrial Service Merit.
Three people including CEO Lee Hee-deok of Woori Weltech Co., Ltd. received the Industrial Service Merit, five people including CEO Lee Seung-cheol of SK Ocean Plant Co., Ltd. received the Presidential Commendation, three people including CEO Han Woo-jin of Woorim PTS Co., Ltd. received the Prime Minister’s Commendation, 38 people including Manager Lee Sang-min of Nexen Tire Co., Ltd. received the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Commendation, and six people including employee Kim Ki-jo of Gideuk Industrial Co., Ltd. received the Korea International Trade Association Chairman’s Commendation.
Governor Park Wan-soo said, “Gyeongsangnam-do is a region that cannot be left out of the history of exports in South Korea, starting with the Masan Free Export Zone in the 1970s,” and added, “You, the main players in Gyeongsangnam-do exports, are the driving force of the South Korean economy, and I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the businesspeople and workers who have worked hard.” He continued, “Next year, the export environment is expected to be difficult, including the new U.S. government’s policy direction,” and emphasized, “Gyeongsangnam-do is operating an economic inspection team in response to the new U.S. administration’s launch, and we will continue to wisely overcome crises together with Gyeongsangnam-do’s businesspeople by turning them into opportunities.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스경남 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>