
경남도, 실국장급·부단체장 전보 인사 단행

3급 승진 5명, 실국장급·부단체장 전보 등 22명 인사

이성용 기자 | 기사입력 2024/12/23 [14:05]

경남도, 실국장급·부단체장 전보 인사 단행

3급 승진 5명, 실국장급·부단체장 전보 등 22명 인사

이성용 기자 | 입력 : 2024/12/23 [14:05]

▲ 경남도청     ©이성용 기자


[브레이크뉴스=이성용 기자] 경남도는 23일 실국장급 11명, 시군 부단체장 7명 등 총 22명을 대상으로 2025년 상반기 실국장급 정기인사를 단행했다.


이번 정기인사는 ‘복지·동행·희망’ 컨트롤타워 구축 및 인구·외국인·지역소멸 대응 강화 등 민선8기 후반기 핵심 현안 추진 동력 확보를 위하여 각 분야에 대한 전문성과 성과 창출을 고려하여 적재적소에 배치했다.


3급 승진자는 총 5명으로 장영욱 관광개발국장 직무대리, 김인수 농정국장 직무대리가 직급 승진하였고, 경남 경제정책 컨트롤타워 역할을 수행한 김상원 경제기업과장과 중앙ˑ도ˑ시군 간 소통 및 협력 네트워크 강화로 도정 역점시책 추진을 뒷받침한 김영선 행정과장, 無사고 孝경남 등 어르신 복지 정책을 적극 추진한 박영규 노인정책과장이 공로를 인정받아 부이사관으로 승진했다.


국장급 전보 발령으로는 도의 주요정책을 기획·설계하는 정책기획관에 김영삼 교통건설국장을 배치했으며, 경제통상국장에는 조현준 해양수산국장, 도시주택국장에는 신종우 복지여성국장, 문화체육국장에는 박일동 보건의료국장, 농정국장에는 이정곤 문화체육국장을 전보 조치했다.


해양수산국장에는 이상훈 부이사관, 교통건설국장에는 박성준 고성부군수, 보건의료국장에는 이도완 부이사관을 임명했으며, 직급 승진한 김상원 경제기업과장과 김영선 행정과장은 관광개발국장과 복지여성국장으로 각각 임명했다. 


또한 인재개발원장에는 김제홍 부산진해경제자유구역청 개발본부장을 배치했다.


내년부터 3급으로 조정되는 시군 부단체장의 경우 도와 시군의 협력체계 강화를 위하여 소통과 업무능력을 고려하여 적임자를 임명헸다.


18개 시군 부단체장 중 11명을 유임하고 7명을 전보했으며, 밀양부시장에는 곽근석 도시주택국장, 고성부군수에는 류해석 부이사관, 남해부군수에는 박영규 노인정책과장, 하동부군수에는 이삼희 인재개발원장, 산청부군수에는 정영철 부이사관, 함양부군수에는 백삼종 부이사관, 합천부군수에는 장재혁 정책기획관을 각각 임명했다.


경남도 관계자는 “이번 실국장급 전보 인사를 통해 내년에도 경제 재도약과 함께 도민 행복 시대를 열어갈 수 있도록 주요 현안 사업을 차질 없이 추진해 나가겠다”고 밝혔다.


*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


Gyeongnam Province, Director-level and Deputy Heads of Organizations Transfer Personnel

5 Third-Grade Promotions, Director-level and Deputy Heads of Organizations Transfers, etc. 22 Personnel Recruitment


On the 23rd, Gyeongnam Province conducted regular personnel reshuffles for the first half of 2025 for 22 people, including 11 director-level and 7 city/county deputy heads of organizations.


This regular personnel reshuffle was conducted in consideration of expertise and achievements in each field to secure the driving force for key issues in the second half of the 8th local government, such as establishing a ‘welfare/accompanying/hope’ control tower and strengthening responses to population/foreigners/regional extinction.


There were a total of 5 people promoted to the 3rd level. Acting Director of Tourism Development Jang Young-wook and Acting Director of Agricultural Policy Kim In-soo were promoted. Director of Economic Enterprise Kim Sang-won, who served as the control tower for Gyeongnam’s economic policy, Director of Administration Kim Young-sun, who supported the promotion of provincial government’s key policies by strengthening the communication and cooperation network between the central government, the province, and cities and counties, and Director of Senior Citizen Policy Park Young-gyu, who actively promoted senior citizen welfare policies such as Accident-free Filial Gyeongnam, were promoted to Vice Directors in recognition of their contributions.


As for the transfers at the director level, Director of Transportation and Construction Kim Young-sam was assigned to the Policy Planning Officer position, which plans and designs the province’s major policies. Director of Oceans and Fisheries Cho Hyeon-jun was assigned to the Director of Economic Trade, Director of Welfare and Women’s Affairs Shin Jong-woo was assigned to the Director of Urban Housing, Director of Health and Medical Affairs Park Il-dong was assigned to the Director of Culture and Sports, and Director of Culture and Sports Lee Jeong-gon was assigned to the Director of Agricultural Policy.


Vice Director Lee Sang-hoon was appointed as the Director of the Marine and Fisheries Bureau, Goseong County Mayor Park Seong-jun as the Director of the Transportation and Construction Bureau, and Vice Director Lee Do-wan as the Director of the Health and Medical Affairs Bureau. Kim Sang-won, the Director of the Economic and Enterprise Division, and Kim Yeong-seon, the Director of the Administrative Division, who were promoted, were appointed as the Director of the Tourism Development Bureau and the Director of the Welfare and Women Bureau, respectively.


In addition, Kim Je-hong, the Director of the Busan-Jinhae Free Economic Zone Development Headquarters, was appointed as the Director of the Human Resources Development Center.


In the case of the city and county vice-governors, who will be adjusted to Grade 3 starting next year, appropriate individuals were appointed considering their communication and work abilities in order to strengthen the cooperative system between the province and the city and county.


Among the 18 city and county mayors, 11 were retained and 7 were transferred. Kwak Geun-seok, director of the Urban Housing Bureau, was appointed as Miryang mayor, Ryu Hae-seok, vice director, was appointed as Goseong county mayor, Park Yeong-gyu, director of the Senior Citizen Policy Division, Lee Sam-hee, director of the Human Resources Development Institute, was appointed as Hadong county mayor, Jeong Yeong-cheol, vice director, Baek Sam-jong, vice director, was appointed as Hamyang county mayor, and Jang Jae-hyeok, director of policy planning, was appointed as Hapcheon county mayor.


A Gyeongnam official said, “Through this personnel transfer at the bureau chief level, we will push forward major pending projects without a hitch so that we can open an era of happiness for the residents of the province along with an economic leap forward next year.”

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