이날 협약식에는 홍남표 창원시장, 이호영 창원대 총장, 김이근 창원시의회 의장, 김남균 한국전기연구원장을 비롯해 한국재료연구원, 한국산업단지공단경남지역본부, 창원상공회의소, LG전자, 두산에너빌리티, 한화에어로스페이스, STX엔진, 케이조선, 범한퓨얼셀, CTNS, 경남지방중소벤처기업청 등 협약에 참여한 15개 기관·기업의 대표 및 임원 관계자들이 참석한 가운데 진행됐다.
이번 협약은 국립창원대학교 「글로컬대학 30」 추진을 통해 대학혁신과 지역발전의 협력 거버넌스를 구축하고, 창원 지역사회의 미래발전과 지역 우수 인재 양성 및 활용 촉진을 위한 선도모델을 구축하는 데 있어 상호 적극 협력하는 것을 목적으로 마련됐다.
이번 협약을 통해 참여 기관·기업은 대학혁신과 지역발전을 위한 ▲지역 내 각 주체(학·연·산·관) 간 협력 현황 진단 ▲지역의 지속 가능한 발전을 위한 각 주체 간 연계 강화 전략(중점 육성 학문분야, 거버넌스 등 포함) 수립 ▲지역 및 미래사회가 필요로 하는 지역인재의 양성 및 활용 촉진 전략 마련 ▲고등교육 관련 각 기관 보유 인적 및 물적 자원과 정보의 공유 및 공동 활용시책 수립 등에 상호 적극 협력키로 확약했다.
홍남표 창원시장은 “글로컬대학 신청을 계기로 대학혁신과 지역발전 학·연·산·관 거버넌스를 구축하여 대학과 국책연구기관이 경쟁력 있는 산업에 혁신적인 기술을 제공하고, 기업체에 우수 인력을 공급하는 등 지역산업 혁신과 인재육성을 위해 적극 지원하겠다”며 “대학이 지역발전에 큰 도움이 될 수 있도록 지역대학과 협력을 강화하겠다”고 말했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.
*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Changwon Special City and Changwon University, ‘Glocal University 30’ business agreement
On the 30th, Nam-pyo Hong, Mayor of Changwon Special Cases, and Ho-Young Lee, President of Changwon University, held a business agreement ceremony to promote Changwon National University Glocal University 30.
The signing ceremony was attended by Changwon Mayor Hong Nam-pyo, Changwon University President Lee Ho-young, Changwon City Council Chairman Kim I-geun, Korea Electrotechnical Research Institute President Kim Nam-gyun, Korea Material Research Institute, Korea Industrial Complex Corporation Gyeongnam Regional Headquarters, Changwon Chamber of Commerce and Industry, LG Electronics, Doosan Energity, Hanwha Aerospace, and STX. Representatives and executives from 15 organizations and companies that participated in the agreement, including Engine, K Chosun, Panhan Fuel Cell, CTNS, and Gyeongnam Small and Medium Venture Business Administration, attended the event.
This agreement is to establish cooperative governance of university innovation and regional development through the promotion of Changwon National University 「Glocal University 30」, and to build a leading model for the future development of the Changwon community and the promotion of fostering and utilizing excellent local talent. It is designed to actively cooperate with each other.
Through this agreement, participating organizations and companies will ▲diagnose the current status of cooperation between each entity (academic, research, industry, and government) in the region for university innovation and regional development ▲strengthen the connection between each entity for sustainable development of the region (emphasis (Including academic fields to foster, governance, etc.) establishment ▲Preparation of strategies to promote the cultivation and utilization of local talents needed by the region and future society ▲ Mutual active efforts in establishing policies for sharing and joint utilization of human and material resources and information possessed by each institution related to higher education committed to cooperation.
President Lee Ho-young said, “Changwon University aims to fulfill its public nature and accountability as the only national higher education institution in the special city of Changwon by leading the sustainable development of Changwon through the promotion of the glocal university project for university innovation and regional development. To this end, we will establish a solid cooperation and mutual exchange and cooperation system between the researchers participating in the agreement, local companies, local governments and related organizations, and advance university innovation and regional development.”
Changwon Mayor Hong Nam-pyo said, “With the application for glocal university as an opportunity, university innovation and regional development academic, research, industry, and government governance are established so that universities and national research institutes provide innovative technologies to competitive industries and supply excellent human resources to companies. “We will strengthen cooperation with local universities so that universities can be of great help to regional development.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스경남 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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