창원 가음정 주민들, "우리 동네 시의원 누군지 잘 모르겠다"'창원 가음정, 성주' 지난 6. 1 지방선거 시의원 무투표 당선
그리고 이어진 이런저런 대화 중에 "이곳은 배드민턴 동호인들만 이용하는 곳이 아니라 창원시민이라면, 누구라도, 언제든지 운동하러 오시면 환영입니다" 라며 김조규 비둘기 배드민턴 동호회장은 말했다.
불곡사가 자리하고 있는 이곳은 아파트 밀집지역으로, 도로 하나를 사이에 두고 건너편에는 주민들이 즐겨찾는 동네 조그마한 야산이 있다. 산을 몇걸음만 올라가면 바로 보이는 곳이 배드민턴장이고 뒤로는 창원시에서 수질검사를 꼼꼼하게 챙기는 소문난 약수터가 있다.
건강에 관심이 많은 사람들이 유난히 많아 산으로, 배드민턴장으로 발길을 옮기는 사람들이 즐겨찾는 곳이다. 이곳을 찾는 주민들과 동호인들의 대부분은 인근에 거주하는 주민들로, 가족같은 분위기는 언제나 웃음소리가 흘러 넘치는 곳이다.
또 이곳은 지난 6. 1 지방선거에서 무투표로 두사람의 시의원이 당선된 곳인데, 시의원들은 일상에서 들려오는 주민들의 민원을 듣고 해결하는 등 이런저런 이유로 주민들과 자주 소통하고 있다고 주민들은 말했다.
그러면서 얼마 전 백승규 시의원이 운동장을 방문해 움푹 패인 코트와 고장난 락카룸 등을 수리해 주겠다는 말과 함께 성산구 산림농정과 직원들이 주민들의 불편한 민원을 점검하고 갔다는 후문을 전해줬다.
지난 6.1 지방선거에서 창원 성산 가음정, 성주동은 초선의 김영록 시의원과 재선의 백승규 시의원이 무투표로 당선된 곳이다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.
*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
'Changwon Gaeumjeong, Seongju' city council members elected without a vote in the June 1 local elections
Residents, "I'm not sure who the city council member is in my neighborhood."
Who is our local city council member? When I went to the badminton court near Bulgoksa Temple, I immediately asked this question. So, the People Power Party informed me that it was Rep. Kim Young-rok, and the Democratic Party informed me that it was Rep. Baek Seung-gyu.
And during the various conversations that followed, Kim Jo-gyu, the head of the Pigeon Badminton Club, said, "This is not a place only used by badminton lovers. Any Changwon citizen is welcome to come and exercise at any time."
This area, where Bulgoksa Temple is located, is a densely populated area of apartments, and across a road is a small hill in the neighborhood that residents enjoy visiting. If you climb a few steps up the mountain, you will immediately see a badminton court, and behind it is a famous mineral spring that undergoes meticulous water quality testing by Changwon City.
The water tastes good, and the mineral water contains many nutrients that are said to be good for health. This is a place where citizens constantly visit. It is a place where young couples climb the small hill holding their children's hands to find some leisure time from their daily lives on the weekend. It is a place loved by the residents. .
There are a lot of people who are interested in health, so it is a favorite place for people who go to the mountains or to the badminton court. Most of the residents and hobbyists who visit this place live nearby, and the family-like atmosphere is always filled with laughter.
In addition, this is a place where two city council members were elected without a vote in the June 1 local election, and residents said that the city council members frequently communicate with residents for various reasons, such as listening to and resolving complaints from residents in their daily lives.
Meanwhile, Councilman Baek Seung-gyu recently visited the playground and said he would repair dented courts and broken locker rooms, and also relayed that Seongsan-gu Forestry and Agricultural Administration staff had been there to check on inconvenient complaints from residents.
Residents said, "I know that there are two city council members in our area, and among them, Councilman Baek is seen often, but the other one is not seen," and said they did not even know their names.
In the last 6.1 local elections, Gaeumjeong and Seongju-dong in Seongsan, Changwon, were where first-elected city council member Kim Young-rok and re-elected councilor Baek Seung-gyu were elected without a vote. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스경남 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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