손덕상 의원은 김해교육청 관내 장애인표준사업장 물품 및 용역 구매 실적 저조를 질타했다. 손 의원은 “2021년 총 구매대상 금액 455억 원 중 장애인표준사업장 구매액은 2억 원으로 0.4%에 불과해 법정 비율 0.6%에도 못 미친다”며 “2023년 10월 말 기준으로도 총 구매대상 금액 568억 원 중 장애인 표준사업장 구매액은 1억 4천만 원으로 상향된 법정 비율 0.8%의 1/3에도 못 미치는 0.24%에 그친다”고 지적했다. 그러면서 “적어도 법정 비율 자체는 충족해야 하지 않겠느냐”고 다그쳤다.
손 의원은 관내 음식물쓰레기 발생량과 처리비용 증감 실태에 관련해서도 질의했다. 김해교육청은 “관내 음식물쓰레기 발생량은 증가했지만 그 처리비용은 줄어들었다”면서 “그 원인이 음식물쓰레기처리기 보급에 있다”고 주장했다.
김해교육지원청에 따르면 2021년 김해 관내 학교 음식물쓰레기 총 발생량과 처리비용은 1,478톤, 5억 9천만 원이었는데, 2022년에는 1,858톤, 5억 5천만 원으로 쓰레기 발생량은 380톤 26% 증가했음에도 처리비용은 오히려 4천만원 감소했다.
허용복 의원은 양산지역 중학교 과밀학급 해소 방안 마련에 만전을 기해달라고 당부했다. 허 의원은 “2025년 3월 개교 예정인 (가칭)증산중학교, 2027년 3월 개교 예정인 (가칭)석금산통합중학교 건립을 추진 중이고, 양산 관내 19학교군 원거리 학생들의 통학 편의를 위해 「경상남도교육청 학생 통학 지원 조례」에 따라 관련 지침을 마련 중인 것으로 안다. 만전을 기해달라”고 당부했다.
또 양산 관내 학생 생존수영 교육에 관해서도 건의했다. 허 의원은 “양산교육청은 생존수영 10시간 중 실습에 9시간 이론에 1시간을 배정해 실질적 교육이 이루어질 수 있도록 하고 있는데, 웅상 지역의 경우 수영장이 1개소에 불과해 교육에 애로가 있다”며 “지역구 의원으로서 웅상 지역 학생수영장 건립을 위해 노력하겠다. 교육청과 교육지원청도 이에 대해 애를 써달라”고 당부했다.
정수만 의원은 김해교육지원청의 다양한 현안 문제를 지적했다. ▲ 김해 학생 자살율 도내 1위 심각성과 대안 ▲ 특성화고등학교 운영 및 고등학고 현장실습 사고 문제 ▲ 김해 다문화 교육특구로 지정 이후 맞춤형 교육 예산지원금 감액 ▲ 교복 품질검사 전수조사 결과에 따른 문제점 및 추후 관리 ▲ 김해 생명과학교 현장실습 안전사고 문제 ▲ 김해건설공고 학교선도규정에 대해 따져 물으며 대안을 제시했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.
*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Gyeongnam Provincial Education Committee conducts ‘Gimhae-Yangsan Office of Education’ administrative audit’
The Gyeongnam Provincial Council's Education Committee conducted an administrative audit of the two offices of education in Gimhae and Yangsan at the Gimhae Office of Education on the 9th during the 409th regular session. On this day, inquiries and inspections were made regarding the purchase performance of goods and services at standard workplaces for the disabled, the amount of food waste generated from school meals, the elimination of overcrowded classes in the Yangsan area, and survival swimming education.
Representative Son Deok-sang criticized the poor performance of purchasing goods and services at the standard workplace for the disabled within the Gimhae Office of Education. Representative Son said, “Of the total purchase amount of 45.5 billion won in 2021, the purchase amount for standard workplaces for the disabled is only 200 million won, or 0.4%, which is less than the legal ratio of 0.6%,” and “As of the end of October 2023, the total purchase amount is 568.8%.” He pointed out, “Out of the billion won, the purchase amount for standard workplaces for the disabled is only 0.24%, less than one-third of the legal ratio of 0.8%, which was raised to 140 million won.” At the same time, he urged, “Shouldn’t we at least meet the legal ratio itself?”
Rep. Son also inquired about the amount of food waste generated in the district and the increase or decrease in disposal costs. The Gimhae Office of Education claimed, “The amount of food waste generated within the district has increased, but the disposal cost has decreased,” adding, “The cause is the spread of food waste disposal machines.”
According to the Gimhae Office of Education, the total amount of food waste generated and treatment costs at schools in Gimhae in 2021 was 1,478 tons, or 590 million won, but in 2022, it was 1,858 tons, or 550 million won, even though the amount of waste generated increased by 26% by 380 tons. The processing cost actually decreased by 40 million won.
Rep. Heo Heo-bok asked that every effort be made to come up with a plan to relieve overcrowding in middle schools in the Yangsan area. Rep. Heo said, “We are promoting the construction of (tentative name) Jeungsan Middle School, scheduled to open in March 2025, and (tentative name) Seokgeumsan Integrated Middle School, scheduled to open in March 2027, and for the convenience of commuting to school for students from 19 schools in the Yangsan jurisdiction and from long distances, we have established a “student commuting plan for Gyeongsangnam-do Office of Education students.” I understand that related guidelines are being prepared in accordance with the “Support Ordinance.” “Please do your best,” he said.
He also suggested survival swimming education for students in Yangsan. Rep. Heo said, “Out of the 10 hours of survival swimming, the Yangsan Office of Education allocates 9 hours to practice and 1 hour to theory to ensure practical education, but in the Ungsang area, there is only one swimming pool, so there are difficulties in education.” As a local council member, I will work to build a student swimming pool in the Ungsang area. He asked that the Office of Education and the Office of Education Support also work hard on this.
Rep. Jeong Soo-man pointed out various pending problems at the Gimhae Office of Education. ▲ Gimhae student suicide rate ranked first in the province; seriousness and alternatives ▲ Problems with specialized high school operation and high school field training accidents ▲ Reduction in customized education budget support after designation as Gimhae multicultural special education zone ▲ Problems and follow-up management according to the results of a thorough school uniform quality inspection survey ▲ Gimhae Life Insurance Safety accident issue at science school field training ▲ Gimhae Construction Technical High School asked about school guidance regulations and suggested alternatives. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스경남 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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