홍남표 창원시장, ‘한국계 미국 풀러턴 시 프레드 정 시장’ 환담“세계시장으로 진출할 수 있는 교두보 역할” 주문
이날 방문은 하이서울기업협회 포럼 참석 등 경제·문화 교류 등을 위해 한국을 방문한 풀러턴 시장이 창원시와의 경제 협력 방안을 모색하기 위해 마련되었으며, 양 도시의 상호 협력에 대한 교류의 토대를 다지는 시간이었다.
풀러턴 시는 인구 14만 명의 미국 캘리포니아주, 오렌지 카운티에 소재한 도시로, 한인 인구가 4만 명 정도로 한인의 영향력이 큰 지역으로, 로스앤젤레스 국제공항과 롱비치 항구로부터 가깝게 위치해 물류와 유통이 발달한 도시다.
프레드 정 풀러턴 시장은 “창원시의 따뜻한 환대에 감사드리며, 오늘 논의된 경제·문화 등 공동협력 방안에 대해 앞으로 양 도시 간의 구체적인 논의로 이어지길 바란다”고 밝혔다.
홍남표 시장은 “풀러턴 시장님과 방문단을 환영하며, 경제뿐만 아니라 문화, 교육 등 다양한 분야에서 창원시와 풀러턴시의 상호 협력 관계가 내실이 있게 발전해 나가길 기대한다”며, “특히 이번 풀러턴 시와의 상호교류 협력이 미국 시장을 필두로 우리 기업들이 세계시장으로 진출할 수 있는 교두보 역할이 되길 바란다”고 말했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.
*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Changwon Mayor Hong Nam-pyo speaks with ‘Korean-American Fullerton City Mayor Fred Chung’
Ordered to “serve as a bridgehead to advance into the global market”
On the 16th, Changwon Special Mayor Hong Nam-pyo welcomed a five-person visiting delegation led by Fred Chung, the Korean mayor of Fullerton, California, to the City Hall reception room and had time to discuss economic exchanges between the two cities and ways to cooperate with Changwon companies in overseas expansion.
The visit on this day was designed to explore ways for economic cooperation with Changwon City by Mayor Fullerton, who visited Korea for economic and cultural exchanges, including attending the Hi Seoul Business Association forum, and was an opportunity to lay the foundation for exchanges for mutual cooperation between the two cities. It was.
Fullerton City is a city located in Orange County, California, USA, with a population of 140,000. It is an area with a large Korean influence, with a Korean population of about 40,000. It is located close to Los Angeles International Airport and Long Beach Port, so logistics and distribution are developed. It's one city.
Mayor Fred Chung, who was the first Korean to be elected mayor of Fullerton in 2021, will succeed in reappointing for the third time in the city's 150-year history in 2022, and is currently vice-chairman of the California State Council of Mayors, chairman of the Southern California Metropolitan Water Authority, and board of directors of the Orange County Power Authority. He is expanding his influence within the state of California, including serving as Chairman of (OCPA) and Director of Procurement for the Department of Transportation's Transportation Committee.
Fullerton Mayor Fred Jeong said, “I am grateful for the warm hospitality of Changwon City, and I hope that the joint cooperation measures discussed today, including economics and culture, will lead to detailed discussions between the two cities in the future.”
Mayor Hong Nam-pyo said, “I welcome Mayor Fullerton and the visiting delegation, and I hope that the cooperative relationship between Changwon City and Fullerton City will develop substantially in various fields such as culture and education as well as the economy.” “I hope that our mutual exchange and cooperation will serve as a bridgehead for our companies to advance into the global market, starting with the U.S. market.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스경남 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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