도심 속 방치 목욕탕 노후 위험굴뚝 정비사업 추진경남도, 올해 목욕탕 노후굴뚝 35개소 조기 철거 완료
‘목욕탕 노후 위험굴뚝 정비사업’은 시군에서 우선적으로 예산을 편성·지원해 소유주가 굴뚝을 먼저 철거하도록 하고 도에서는 실적과 노력도 등을 평가해 시군에 인센티브를 지급하는 방식으로 진행된다.
경남도는 지난해 노후 위험굴뚝 4개소를 철거했으며 올해에도 지난 10월 31일 기준 총 35개소의 목욕탕 노후 위험굴뚝을 철거했다.
시군별로는 창원 20개소, 합천 8개소, 사천·양산 각 2개소, 진주·거제·통영 각 1개소이다.
또한, 도는 올해 시군별 목욕탕 노후굴뚝 정비사업 추진성과에 대해 총 3회에 걸쳐 평가를 실시해, 창원 1억 9,600만원, 합천 1억 1,400만원, 사천 2,600만원, 양산 2,500만원, 거제 1,500만원, 진주 1,000만원 총 3억 8,600만원의 인센티브를 지급했다.
도는 내년에도 인센티브 지원을 통한 목욕탕 노후 위험굴뚝 정비사업을 추진한다.
시군과 함께 진주시 5개소를 비롯해 총 40개소 철거를 목표로 지속적으로 추진해 위험굴뚝을 방치할 경우 발생할 수 있는 안전사고를 원천적으로 차단한다는 계획이다.
경남도는 도민의 안전과 생명을 보호하기 위해 목욕탕 노후 위험굴뚝이 조속히 철거되도록 소유자는 물론, 시군의 적극적인 참여와 협조가 필요하다고 강조했다.
한편 일부 굴뚝 철거가 완료된 시군의 한 주민은 “평소 방치된 굴뚝이 강풍이나 태풍이 올 때마다 넘어지거나 붕괴될까봐 불안했는데, 이번 철거로 안심할 수 있어서 기쁘다”며 관계자에 고마움을 표현했다.
곽근석 경남도 도시주택국장은 “정비사업을 통해 목욕탕 노후 위험굴뚝이 조기에 철거될 수 있도록 시군의 적극적인 참여와 굴뚝 소유주의 많은 협조를 당부드린다”며 “향후에도 도에서는 행정·재정적 지원을 통해 ‘안전한 경남’을 위해 최선을 다하겠다”고 말했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Implementation of maintenance project for old and dangerous chimneys of neglected public bathhouses in the city Gyeongnam Province completes early demolition of 35 old bathhouse chimneys this year
Since last year, Gyeongnam Province has been promoting the ‘Old Bathhouse Chimney Maintenance Project’ to demolish old bathhouse chimneys that are over 6m in height and over 20 years old, and 35 places were demolished early this year.
The ‘bathroom deterioration risk chimney maintenance project’ is carried out in a way that cities and counties prioritize budget allocation and support so that owners can remove chimneys first, and the province evaluates performance and effort and provides incentives to cities and counties.
Gyeongnam Province demolished four old and dangerous chimneys last year, and as of October 31, a total of 35 old and dangerous bathroom chimneys were demolished this year as well.
By city and county, there are 20 locations in Changwon, 8 locations in Hapcheon, 2 locations each in Sacheon and Yangsan, and 1 location each in Jinju, Geoje, and Tongyeong.
In addition, the province conducted a total of three evaluations on the performance of the bathroom chimney maintenance project by city and county this year, with KRW 196 million in Changwon, KRW 114 million in Hapcheon, KRW 26 million in Sacheon, KRW 25 million in Yangsan, KRW 15 million in Geoje, and KRW 10 million in Jinju. Incentives worth 10,000 won and a total of 386 million won were paid.
The province will also promote a project to repair old and dangerous bathroom chimneys through incentive support next year.
Together with the city and county, we plan to continue to pursue the goal of demolishing a total of 40 locations, including 5 locations in Jinju City, to fundamentally prevent safety accidents that may occur if dangerous chimneys are left unattended.
Gyeongsangnam-do Province emphasized that active participation and cooperation of not only owners but also cities and counties is needed to ensure that old and dangerous bathroom chimneys are removed as soon as possible to protect the safety and lives of residents.
Meanwhile, a resident of a city or county where some chimney demolition was completed expressed his gratitude to the officials, saying, “I was anxious that the neglected chimney would fall or collapse every time there was a strong wind or typhoon, but I am glad that I can feel relieved with this demolition.”
Kwak Geun-seok, director of the Urban Housing Bureau of Gyeongnam Province, said, “We ask for the active participation of the city and county and the cooperation of chimney owners so that old, dangerous chimneys in public bathhouses can be removed at an early stage through the maintenance project.” He added, “In the future, the province will continue to provide administrative and financial support to ensure ‘safe “I will do my best for Gyeongnam,” he said. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스경남 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>