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인 혁신위는 그동안 줄곧 혁신을 강조하며, 국민의힘 지도부를 향해 6건의 혁신안을 제안했다. 그중 대통령과 가까운 분들의 험지 출마를 요구했고, 지도부나 중진들의 험지 출마와 불출마 등을 요구했지만, 아무것도 이루지 못하고 빈손으로 떠나는 듯한 모습을 보였다.
그후 아무 일도 일어나지 않을 것 같은 국민의힘 지도부에서 사즉생이라는 김기현 당 대표의 발언이 나왔고, 이어 장재원 의원의 불출마 발언이 이어지는 등 나머지 50%는 당의 몫이라고 던진 인 혁신위원장의 무거운 발언에 대한 반응이 때를 기다렸다는 듯이 터지기 시작했다.
12일부터 시작되는 제22대 국회의원 출마자 등록 첫날부터 국민의힘 지도부에서 터져나온 지도부 불출마가 윤핵관으로 분류되는, 지역구에서 봇물 터지듯 이어질 것으로 예상되는데, 그중 한 곳이 마산회원구로 이를 예상한 후보군들이 때를 기다리고 있다.
마산회원구는 오랜동안 보수세력이 강세를 보이는 곳으로, 국민의힘 후보로 지명되는 것이 곧 당선이라고 할 만큼 보수세력이 강한 곳이다. 그래서인지 윤핵관 중 한 사람인 윤한홍 의원이 건제함에도 불구하고 조청래, 차주목 등의 이름이 후보군을 형성하며 여론몰이에 나서고 있다.
차주목 한국수산공단 경영기획본부장은, 다음주 중에 직을 내리고 후보등록을 할 것으로 보인다. 조청래 국민의힘 당 대표 특보도 곧 후보등록을 시작으로 총선에 뛰어들 것으로 예상된다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.
*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
'After party leader Kim Ki-hyun's death, Rep. Jang Jae-won declares not to run for office.
Will this lead to Representative Yoon Han-hong and other Yoon Haek-gwan not running?
After the Inyohan Innovation Committee was launched on October 25, it was unable to complete the originally planned 60-day activity period, and ended with 42 days of activity on the 7th. At the same time, he said that 50% of the success was 50% of the party's responsibility and 50% of the responsibility was the responsibility of the party, and he left the heavy burden and left feeling relieved.
The Innovation Committee has always emphasized innovation and proposed six innovation plans to the People Power Party leadership. Among them, people close to the president were asked to run in difficult places, and leaders and senior officials were asked to run or not run in difficult places, but they seemed to be leaving empty-handed without achieving anything.
Afterwards, the People Power Party leadership, where nothing seemed likely to happen, made a statement by Kim Ki-hyun, the leader of the party, saying that life was a life-or-death situation, followed by Rep. Jang Jae-won's statement that he would not run, and the response to Innovation Committee Chairman In's heavy statement that the remaining 50% was the party's responsibility. It started to explode as if it had been waiting for.
From the first day of registration for the 22nd National Assembly, which begins on the 12th, it is expected that the People Power Party leadership will continue to refrain from running for leadership in constituencies classified as pro-nuclear districts, and one of them is Masan Hoewon-gu, which is the candidate who expected this. They are waiting for their time.
Masan Hoewon-gu has been a place where conservative forces have been strong for a long time, and the conservative forces are so strong that being nominated as a People Power Party candidate means being elected. Perhaps that is why, despite the suggestion of Representative Yoon Han-hong, one of the Yoon Haek-gwan members, names such as Cho Cheong-rae and Cha Ju-mok are forming a group of candidates and trying to sway public opinion.
Cha Joo-mok, head of the management planning division of the Korea Fisheries Corporation, is expected to resign from his position within the next week and register as a candidate. Cho Cheong-rae, special adviser to the People Power Party leader, is also expected to enter the general election soon, starting with candidate registration. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스경남 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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