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창원시여성단체협의회는 10개 여성단체 2만여명의 회원으로 구성되어 저소득 한부모가족을 위한 밑반찬 봉사활동, 다자녀 출산가정 격려 등 양성평등 문화 확산 및 지역 여성의 사회참여 확대 등을 위한 활동을 펼치고 있다.
지난 2일 여성회관 창원관에서는 여성단체 회원 20여 명이 참여한 가운데 저소득 한부모가족이 가족들과 따뜻한 명절을 보낼 수 있도록 밑반찬 나눔 행사를 실시하였다. 회원들이 직접 조리해 만든 밑반찬은 저소득 한부모가족 100세대에게 직접 전달했다.
특히, 매달 밑반찬 봉사에 참여하는 서희정 명예회장은 설 명절을 앞두고 평소보다 많은 양의 고기를 손수 양념하고 포장하며 취약계층을 위한 봉사에 적극 동참했다.
아울러, 5일 창원시 여성단체협의회는 관내 사회복지시설인 한부모가족시설, 아동보육시설, 경로당을 방문하여 따뜻한 인사와 격려의 마음을 전했다.
강영임 회장은 “모두가 다 함께 즐거운 설명절을 보내기 위해 소외된 곳에 소통과 도움의 손길을 전하고자 했다”며, “앞으로도 지속적인 봉사활동을 통해 지역사회에 기여하겠다”고 말했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.
*Below is the [full text] of the English article translated using ‘Google Translate’.‘Google Translate’ is working to increase understanding.It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Changwon City Women's Group Council, sharing warmth filled with love during the Lunar New Year holiday
Sharing side dishes for low-income single-parent families
Changwon City Women's Group Council (Chairman Kang Young-im) carried out a side dish sharing activity for low-income single-parent families ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday on the 5th, and visited local social welfare facilities to offer encouragement and warmth to facility residents and the elderly.
The Changwon City Women's Group Council is comprised of approximately 20,000 members from 10 women's groups and is carrying out activities to spread the culture of gender equality and expand local women's social participation, such as serving side dishes for low-income single-parent families and encouraging families with multiple children.
On the 2nd, the Changwon branch of the Women's Center held a side dish sharing event with about 20 women's group members participating to help low-income single-parent families spend a warm holiday with their families. The side dishes prepared by the members themselves were delivered directly to 100 low-income single-parent families.
In particular, Honorary Chairman Seo Hee-jung, who participates in volunteer side dishes every month, actively participated in volunteer work for the underprivileged by seasoning and packaging more meat by hand than usual ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday.
In addition, on the 5th, the Changwon City Women's Organization Council visited social welfare facilities in the area, such as a single-parent family facility, a child care facility, and a senior center, and delivered warm greetings and encouragement.
Chairman Kang Young-im said, “In order for everyone to have a happy Lunar New Year holiday together, we wanted to provide communication and a helping hand to underprivileged areas,” and added, “We will continue to contribute to the local community through continuous volunteer work.”
<저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스경남 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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