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건설소방위원회는 3차례 연장된 공사 기간이 24일로 만료되었음에도 불구하고 공사가 준공되지 않아 입주예정자들에게, 약속한 8월 20일 입주가 불가능해짐에 따라 이날 공사 현장을 방문하여 공정률을 확인하고, 미준공 상태에 대해 경남개발공사를 질타한 후 공사 재개 방안을 확인했다.
경남개발공사는 대표 시공사인 남양건설(주)이 6월 11일, 기업회생절차를 신청한 후 공동도급사 3개 업체와 공사 정상화 방안을 모색하고 있었으나, 공동도급사 중 지분율이 가장 많은 ㈜대저건설이 지난 22일 공사 포기 의향서를 제출한 상태다.
건설소방위원회는, 또다시 공기 내 미준공 사태가 발생함으로써 3차 입주 연기가 불가피해진 점을 지적하고, 입주예정자 피해 최소화를 위하여 조속히 공사를 재개할 방안에 대해 집중 질의했다.
이춘덕 의원은 “남양건설 등이 공사를 포기했다는 것 말고는, 지난 주요업무보고 때와 비교해 달라진 것이 없다. 공사재개 방안이 무엇이냐”고 물었다.
경남개발공사는 건설사들의 공사 포기 의향서 제출로 인하여, 지급될 건설공제조합 보증금 등을 활용하여 남은 2개 공동도급사 등과 공사를 재개하는 방안과 남은 2개 공동도급사가 모두 공사를 포기할 경우 개발공사가 새로운 공사를 발주하는 방안 등을 검토 중이라고 답변했다.
특히 이번 현장방문에는 공정 관리에 대한 감리업체의 책임을 지적하고, 지방공기업을 감독해야 하는 경상남도의 역할을 주문했다.
서 위원장은 “우려하던 3차 입주 지연이 현실이 되어 매우 유감스럽다”며 “공사를 빨리 진행하기 위한 방안을 모색하고, 이 시간 이후 계획을 잡아서 의회에 보고해달라”고 개발공사 측에 요구했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.
*Below is the [full text] of the English article translated using ‘Google Translate’.‘Google Translate’ is working to increase understanding.It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Gyeongnam Province Construction and Fire Protection Committee requests immediate resumption of construction
On-site visit… Responsibility for non-completion
On the 30th, the Construction and Fire Protection Committee of the Gyeongnam Provincial Council visited the construction site of the ‘Changwon Hyeon-dong Public Housing’ operated by the Gyeongnam Development Corporation and urged the immediate resumption of construction. The current completion rate of public housing construction in Hyeon-dong, Changwon is 92%, with earthwork, interior design, paving work within the complex, drainage and water pipe work, and landscaping remaining.
Even though the construction period, which was extended three times, expired on the 24th, the construction was not completed and it was impossible for prospective residents to move in on August 20th as promised. Therefore, the Construction and Fire Protection Committee visited the construction site on this day to check the progress rate. After criticizing Gyeongnam Development Corporation for the unfinished state, plans to resume construction were confirmed.
Gyeongnam Development Corporation was seeking ways to normalize construction with three co-contractors after Namyang Construction Co., Ltd., the representative construction company, applied for corporate rehabilitation procedures on June 11, but Daejeo Co., Ltd., which had the largest stake among the co-contractors, Construction submitted a letter of intent to abandon construction on the 22nd.
The Construction and Fire Protection Committee pointed out that a third occupancy delay had become inevitable due to another non-completion situation occurring within the construction period, and inquired intensively about ways to resume construction as soon as possible to minimize damage to prospective residents.
Rep. Lee Chun-deok said, “Other than the fact that Namyang Construction and others gave up on construction, nothing has changed compared to the last major work report. “What is the plan to resume construction?” he asked.
Due to the submission of letters of intent by construction companies to abandon construction, the Gyeongnam Development Corporation plans to resume construction with the remaining two joint contractors using the Construction Mutual Aid Association deposit to be paid, and if the remaining two joint contractors all abandon construction, the development corporation will They responded that they were considering ways to order new construction.
In particular, during this site visit, the responsibility of the supervisory company for process management was pointed out and the role of Gyeongsangnam-do in supervising local public enterprises was requested.
Chairman Seo said, “It is very regrettable that the feared delay in the third move-in has become a reality,” and requested the development corporation to “find a way to expedite the construction, make a plan after this time, and report it to the council.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스경남 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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